Monday, March 30, 2009

"I wouldn't trade one stupid decision
For another five years 
(of lies)."


In other news, here's a list of excuses in case you need a reason to not attend a social function (compiled by Marieke and I):
-I have to wash my hair. 
-I have a waffle burning. 
-I have to floss my dog's teeth again. 
-I'm trapped in an oil painting. 
-I'm getting a colonoscopy. 
-My wife's giving birth. 
-I have to wax my upper lip tonight. 
-My internet isn't working. 
-Michael Blank is sitting on me. 
-I'm being held prisoner by Dr. Arnn. 
-I have to catch an anaconda.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

It's so interesting the evolution of photos that crawls off the internet and into Documents Folder.

Who is that chick on the left? A mallow? An anime character?

Get out and live. Be distractions.
Help each other forget.

Be, live, breathe, fornicate indie.

(Is this blog rated P.G.?)

(Left) Eugene W. Smith photography. Wowiewow.

(Right) That dumb bitch, Anne Hutchinson.

Levi-Strauss. Structural Anthropology samurai.

The only lasting thing I got out
of the Early TV Western CCA:

Clint Walker.

That will last 4eva.

One last thing.. I was reading through an old blog and I found a wicked quote. I didn't know what it meant three years ago, and still don't know - awesome:
Truth becomes fiction when the fiction's true;
Real becomes not-real where the unreal's real.

Okay, Okay. I admit I was raised on robbery.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

While you're at dinner and I'm supposed to be working on my paper, I'm thinking about things to be happy about (because the results of this paper will not make the list). And here are a few from the master list:

-centrifugal force
-quill pens
-the sound dryers make
-"the upper crust"

You all need to know that because when I go around saying, "I'm unhappy because I turned in a paper to Jackson that is a shame to me and all of my descendants, no, really" you can respond with a cheerful, "Well, you can be happy. After all, there's |centrifugal force|quill pens|the sound dryers make|ponchos|ferns|'the upper crust'|"

There. Now I need to find something else to do instead of writing my paper. 

Oh, don't forget: Alice in Wonderland at 2 in the arb tomorrow...

Friday, March 27, 2009

You need to wear these pants, if god forbid someone forces you to wear pants to a party. 

PS- Bonus they are almost as cool/stylish as a snuggie. (Not as cool as a camel print snuggie though).

WTF is camel print! WTF does WTF mean?!? (Betsy...)

Thursday, March 26, 2009


1. please await your invitations to an upcoming singles party. *newsflash of the day* i am breaking up with david. :( want to be the giggly happy girl i should be. please help me by hitting me when i cry, shoving me when i'm down, and slapping me when i bleed love (keep bleedddddding). also add in bed to any of those and you'll make my night.


love love love.


Sunday after lunch - arb - Alice in Wonderland reading - blankets&cuddling - chip in a few bucks for berries, etc. - maybe we'll let Saga sponsor more deliciousness

Also, if everyone brings their own copy, we can all read specific parts. I've got an extra copy if somebody needs one, and I'm sure the library has a few as well. 

i've always wanted to hang things from the ceiling. i feel like with some leftover nylons and aluminum foil....? OR even better idea what if we pimped out SAGA one day? any room with squishy ceiling squares would work.