Monday, May 25, 2009

Week 1- Brought to you by the letter “R”


Hellooo summer. Hellooo friends. I had quite the immediate thrust into life when I got home. Here is my story.

Immediately that monday I registered for Biology 101 at Community College. Four days a week! Labs MW at 12:30, and Lectures TTh. 3 blinking hours. NINE O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING. How am I going to do it? Super powers, caffeine, and my mom making sure I am out of bed by 8. Crazy.

Community college is cute. Luckily an acquaintance from high school is in my class. He is an oddball. So with our powers combined we swiftly power through the baby science labs. In our first lab we learned how to use the microscope. I. neverknew. Then we looked at a "pubic louse" and I swear it was "El Diablo." See the resemblance?

The same monday I got a job at a might fine meat-market. Knight's Market has been around since 1952, has two restaurants in Ann Arbor and Jackson, and it's 8 blocks from my house. Awesome. It's tiny and I have about three coworkers + the meat-cutting guys in the back. Who are weird. And make clucking noises. I work monday through saturday, like 25 hours a week. I love it. I get such a sense of the community and meet the strangest people. I feel like I'm part of the Knight's family. My coworker Jennifer is one of the most mellow, monotone, and cynical person I have encountered. She. Is. Su. Perb. She reminds me a lot of Daria. She's hilarious. I love my job, and I feel blessed to work there. Considering I only gave them my number back in March, I am surprised they called. But apparently two coworkers just went off to Minneapolis for graduate school, and New Zealand to go skydiving. Figures.

Ah! There is also this adorable man who lives down the street from the market, and is trying to quit smoking. So he hides his cigarettes in our store behind the apple baskets. He comes in about 2 or 3 times a day. Then he started cutting his cigarettes in half. But he just comes in twice as often. hahaha. what? I love the townies.

Also in the past week I have been sleeping. A lot. And watching Xena. A lot. Season 3 episode 13! Holler. My goal is to finish all 6 seasons this summer. Ambitious? Maybe, but I think my brain can handle all the stress that watching Xena entails. After all, what was college for?

I finally opened up Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintanence by Robert M Pirsig. This book is packed with wise words! Example: "It is as though two old friends, a Catholic and Protestant, were sitting drinking a beer, enjoying life, and the subject of birth control somehow came up. Big freeze-out." Hahahaha.

So this summer is definitely a responsible one, with stability. Which is necessary. I got my first pay check yesterday. :)

Also I see a lot of good beer and wine leave the market. Which is really sad. Just the other night I was celebrating my sisters birthday (Not the korean one. I love koreans. I especially love my korean sister.) and she turned 31. So she wished to be only 10 years older than me. So, she would be like... 29. And I wished to be ten years younger than her. ;)

Week 2 Highlights

I am almost done with Season 3 of Xena. Yessss.

The Meat-Market was crazy this weekend because of memorial day costumers. Someone ordered an entire pig. Cool, if you're into that. I am not.

One of my bosses, Vernon, asked me to tutor his two daughters in math. I peed myself. Statistics and algebra galore. After not doing math in over a year, I attempted to muster my friend Jaz's tutoring abilities. His oldest daughter I tutored for 3 hours on thursday night. I did not have a clue what I was doing. She had a test the next day. She probably failed.

On saturday night I drove to Hillsdale to visit Luca, Jancy and Michael. Luca and I climbed the abandoned flour mill, and if you have not done it, then DO. DO DO DO. I almost expected "this" to happen. Then all of a sudden the ground starts rumbling, orcs come, and we die. Even on the way down the stairs I started telling Luca what I wanted him to tell you individuals, if something horrible were to happen to me.

Then, we went to Micheal's house and smoked hookah and drank Sangria with Michael and Jancy. ...while watching Battlestar Galatica. It made me miss the people, but I didn't drive by campus once :D

I got my grades. Moreno didn't fail me aka done with American Heritage for GOOD.

The week ahead looks amazing. A couple days of school and work, and then I am driving to Wisconsin on thursday with my friend Judy, who is beyond awesome and who just returned from Israel like...3 days ago. We are taking a car-ferry across Lake Michigan to visit Lawrence University where Kelsey and Joanna (two beautiful ladies) reside till June 12th. I guess we are also visiting during the weekend of the big Nearly Naked party. Last year, Kelsey wore a towel. Joanna is wearing sprinkles. So now I have to think of something equally clever, modest?, and awesome to wear.

So far summer is a complete blast.

Miss you all. Love you all.


  1. sounds pretty good! don't cut off any of your body parts at the meat market.

  2. aghhh. townies+pigs+pubic lice!!!

    whose pubic lice?


    love you and hope the trip is excellent!

  3. also i really liked the dressups with common grocery store things.

    cute and funny and very project runway esque.

    (i've totally overdosed on that show... )
